photography, design, painting blog

Archive for April, 2011

Day 10 Umbrellas in Motion

Day 10 Moving Target
Here is a picture of the Best Man and Matron of Honor twirling their umbrellas at my cousin’s wedding. Kind of looks like a moving target! It was a fun wedding I wish we could have stayed longer but I didn’t feel good. Amazingly my son was wonderful during the ceremony. He was kind of funny. We could hear him squeaking his gums on his teething ring and after the lady got done singing he sang for a little big.

Day 9 A Sign

Day 9 Sign
I knew the moment we found this house it was meant to be ours. The name Whitehorse Road gave it all away for me =) we missed our first opportunity to buy the house. We got an appointment to look inside the house and the day we were supposed to look inside of it the realtor called to tell us and offer had been accepted on it. We were very disappointed and continued our search. A month later I saw it pop back up on the search results and we jumped on it. It took us about 2 months to close on it because our realtor Kelly Johnson (quite the a**hole) working for ReMax (so don’t get him) was too busy playing golf and whatever else he was doing that was more important than selling a house. It was meant to be. So I thought this was the perfect sign to take a picture of.

Day 5 & 8 Looking Glass

Day 5 Window
Ahhh being illegal and trespassing! It felt so weird. I’m so used to roaming on 500 acres and yelling at any trespassers who would roam onto the farm yet here I was doing exactly what I hated. But at least I didn’t tear anything up and was only there for a few minutes.

Day 8 Entropy
I barely know what this means. I’m still not completely sure so I got on Flickr and looked at a bunch of photos to get an idea of what I should do. On the photo challenge website it says “Entropy is basically things that are breaking down, devolution. Our world surrounds us with things that break down. Just look around.”

So the neighbor down the road here has lived nearly her entire life in this little cabin that’s in much better condition than her buildings but she’s lived without electricity and modern conveniences and still is living that way. She homeschooled her children for a time and gave birth to them in this house. I can’t wait to meet her because I want to take pictures of her baby sheep but I’m waiting on the money to buy a jogging stroller so I can easily take my son places instead of carrying him…lol he’s getting heavy!

“The world is a looking-glass, and gives back to every man the reflection of his own face. Frown at it, and it will in turn look sourly upon you; laugh at it and with it, and it is a jolly kind companion.”

William Makepeace Thackera

Day 6 & 7 Thou Eat Bread

Day 6 Bread
Banana bread muffins that didn’t turn out so great to eat but made a nice photo pick. I thought the contrast of black and white would make it look nice.

Day 7 Low Point of View
I really wanted this photo to be of a morel mushroom but I didn’t get lucky this season. I couldn’t find any…bad luck and bad timing yet again this year! Too much rain too!! Hopefully I will be able to find some next year. This was a neat find though. It was a leaf skeleton stuck to the side of a log.

In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return to the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shall return.
Genesis 3:19.

I know I’m super slacking…I’m trying to keep up but the daggone rain is keeping me from getting out with my new camera!!! So I skipped window and that will hopefully be on the next blog post.

Day 4 A good book has no ending.

A good book has no ending. ~R.D. Cumming

“A woman’s heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to seek Him just to find her.”
— Max Lucado

I couldn’t figure out how to do the photo I was wanting to do but I came close with these. I love to read. I’m an obsessive reader. When I start a book that I find enjoyable I find it hard to put it down or focus on anything else which is why I haven’t read much since my son was born!!! Haha. I’m not that bad but I do love to read. My dad, grandma, and aunt are all readers so I must have inherited my love for reading from them. I’ve always wanted a window seat with bookshelves under it and next to it filled with books.

Day 3 Let the music play

Here is my husband playing his guitar. He made a pretty little tune up tonight. I can play a few different instruments but I have never been able to play like my husband can play. He can make up little tunes or listen to something and play it by ear. I always had to have someone first play it for me and then I could play it. I could read notes but I never understood the rhythm. I ain’t got no rhythm! Johnny Cash like everyone else is one of my favorite artists. I love the old classic country music. I was reading a book the other day set in the 1930’s and life was so much simpler back then. Makes me curse this technology that I’m obsessed/addicted with. Oh well!

“Life and love go on, let the music play.”
Johnny Cash

Day 2 Pen

Ahhh….my favorite pen in the whole world! I don’t know what I did before I had this pen. I know everything I did wasn’t as good as what I do now that I have my magic pen.

“The strokes of the pen need deliberation as much as the sword needs swiftness.”
Julia Ward Howe

Day 1 Chair

I was looking around thinking about what kind of chair I could take a photo of and remembered I borrowed this little chair for a photo shoot that I never did for my son!

Poster for around town

The poster I plan to print off and post around town to get some interest in my photography 🙂

Before I start

I do want to put one post before I start my challenge….a picture of myself with ten little known facts since that is a popular facebook option 🙂

1) I really dislike teenagers sometimes…I know I was one but the ones of this age lack in respect and have absolutely no morals.

2) I count things in my head and when something isn’t even it bothers me…I want a symmetrical house on the outside.

3) I’m a little OCD, I move stuff so it’s even and put things in line. All of the furniture matches up with the lines on the floor and would be centered by the windows if it was possible. And sometimes I have crazy moments where I’m really goofy and like to scream or change the words to songs to make them fit my mood or something silly. I almost never remember the words to songs so most of the stuff is made up anyways 🙂

4) I know ‘stuff’ happens but I believe in doing things right…I believe in marriage and waiting to have children until you’re married…and if you aren’t then I believe in getting married as soon as you know. It’s a huge pet peeve. I guess I feel if you don’t love the person enough to have kids with them then you shouldn’t be having sex with them. And if you’re not in love…well.

5) The teens at my church give me hope for the future. Seeing them singing and worshiping God makes my heart sing.

6) I love Do It Yourself projects!

7) I know it shouldn’t but it depresses me when I see others succeeding in what I can only hope to succeed in.

8) I don’t understand ‘guy language.’ when guys talk cars I go back into my blank stare faze and think about horses 🙂

9) I haven’t had a migraine since the beginning part of my pregnancy! I think they were hormone caused…we’ll see what happens when I stop breastfeeding but I don’t think I’m going back on birth control!

10) I love finding grammatical and spelling errors in books and circling them if I can!!!

365 Day Photo Challenge

Ok this is crazy but I’m going to try my best to do the 365 day photo challenge. I know it’s going to be hard but it’s the whole reason I started this blog. I want to become a better photographer and make good use of my new camera!! 🙂 I stole it from this website

1. Chair
2. Pens
3. Music
4. Books
5. Window
6. Bread
7. Low Point Of View
8. Entropy
9. Sign
10. Moving Target
11. Landscape
12. Minimalism
13. Fruit
14. Lines
15. Zipper
16. Reflection
17. Electronics
18. Clouds
19. Silhouettes
20. Flag
21. Fire
22. Button
23. Fill The Frame
24. Shallow Depth of Field
25. Sky
26. Time
27. Texture
28. Water
29. Shoelaces
30. Symmetry
31. Horizons
32. Color: Red
33. Color: Blue
34. Color: Green
35. Color: Yellow
36. Color: Purple
37. Color: Brown
38. Color: Orange
39. Beverage: Beer
40. Beverage: Coffee
41. Beverage: Juice
42. Beverage: Soda
43. Beverage: Tea
44. Beverage: Wine
45. Beverage: Cocktail
46. Black and White: Light Streaks
47. Black and White: Portrait
48. Black and White: Flower
49. Black and White: Shadows
50. Black and White: Water in Motion
51. Black and White: Spot Color
52. Black and White: Tree
53. Building Materials: Brick
54. Building Materials: Stone
55. Building Materials: Stucco
56. Building Materials: Concrete
57. Building Materials: Asphalt
58. Building Materials: Wood
59. Building Materials: Blocks
60. Emotions: Fear
61. Emotions: Joy
62. Emotions: Disgust
63. Emotions: Surprise
64. Emotions: Sadness
65. Emotions: Happiness
66. Emotions: Anger
67. Curves
68. Vegetable
69. Leather
70. Speed
71. Black
72. Pencil
73. Sunset
74. Shooting Up
75. Hem
76. Hands
77. Table
78. Insect
79. Learning
80. Animal/Pet
81. Sphere
82. Seam
83. Feet
84. Map
85. White
86. Reading
87. Flowers
88. Candy
89. Children
90. Shopping
91. Mischief
92. Good Samaritan
93. Colorful
94. Underexposed
95. Trees
96. Liquid
97. Ice Cream
98. Urban
99. Danger
100. One Hundred
101. Nighttime
102. Sacrifice
103. Smoke
104. Tattoo
105. Money
106. Traffic
107. Garden
108. Hinge
109. Clock
110. Abstract
111. Silver
112. Hat
113. Electricity
114. Door Knob
115. Cheese
116. School
117. Paper
118. Tire
119. Ice
120. Grass
121. Square
122. Wild Flower
123. Baseball
124. Mail
125. Leaf
126. Pepper
127. Screw
128. Truck
129. Fountain
130. Eyes
131. Glass
132. Small
133. Rock
134. Salt
135. Storm
136. Triangle
137. Shoe
138. Silk
139. Open
140. Bird
141. Chain
142. Popcorn
143. Circle
144. Fast Movement
145. Death
146. Fork
147. Plate
148. Cup
149. Oven
150. BBQ
151. Kitchen Week: My Kitchen
152. Kitchen Week: Refrigerator
153. Kitchen Week: Sink
154. Kitchen Week: Spoon
155. Kitchen Week: Cheese Grater
156. Kitchen Week: Frying Pan
157. Kitchen Week: Colander
158. Sidewalk
159. Spin
160. Shadow
161. Smile
162. Road
163. Neon
164. Carwash
165. Control
166. Simple
167. Pink
168. Hook
169. Checkerboard
170. Bridge
171. Eating
172. Father
173. Commute
174. Late
175. Breakfast
176. Grooming
177. Lunch Break
178. Bokeh
179. High Noon
180. Safety
181. Portrait
182. Half
183. Cylinder
184. Macro/Close-Up
185. Burst
186. semi-week: Truck Nose
187. semi-week: Moving Truck
188. semi-week: Trailer
189. semi-week: Driver Portrait
190. semi-week: Cargo
191. semi-week: Truck Logo
192. semi-week: Truck Stop
193. Creek/River
194. Heat
195. Bicycle
196. Game
197. Spin (oops, this was a duplicate! Sorry!)
198. Wheel
199. All Dressed Up
200. Meta Art
201. Toilet
202. Hair
203. Old School
204. Historical
205. Modern
206. Impact
207. Stitched Panorama
208. Puzzle
209. Distortion
210. Cards
211. Tracks
212. Repetition
213. Flower Macro
214. Body Macro: Lips
215. Body Macro: Finger
216. Body Macro: Toes
217. Body Macro: Eye
218. Body Macro: Skin
219. Body Macro: Ear
220. Body Macro: Abstract
221. Spice
222. Lock
223. Suitcase
224. Skyline
225. Mess
226. Fantasy
227. Knife
228. Single Light Source Portrait
229. B&W Horizon
230. Nightlife
231. Architecture
232. Half Self Portrait
233. Out Of Focus
234. Youth
235. Needle
236. Mark
237. Poetry
238. Love
239. Bottle
240. High Point Of View
241. Contrast
242. Order
243. Economics 101
244. B&W Self
245. Mañana
246. Fresh
247. Mobile
248. Celebrate
249. Sunrise
250. Traditional
251. Corridor
252. Handrail
253. Foreground Bokeh
254. Diptych
255. Fabric Macro
256. Plugged In
257. Path
258. Panning
259. Devotion
260. Cooking
261. Automobile
262. Green Living
263. Camera
264. News
265. Secure
266. Annoying
267. Math
268. Plastic
269. Graffiti
270. Birds
271. Snack
272. Looking Down
273. Out The Window
274. Vertical Lines
275. Out Of Place
276. Old Sign
277. Arms
278. Vent
279. Trash
280. Grain
281. Stretch
282. Rocket
283. Bubbles
284. Violet
285. Amber
286. Silver
287. Kahki
288. Auburn
289. Charcoal
290. Indigo
291. Telephone
292. Motion Blur
293. Calculator
294. Window Display
295. Rule of Thirds
296. Box
297. LED’s
298. Broken
299. Empty
300. Growing
301. Pain
302. Panic
303. Tired
304. Front Door
305. Scar
306. Clean
307. Television
308. Pie
309. Flat
310. Bank
311. Together
312. Leaf
313. Hallway
314. Backlit
315. Veteran
316. Photographer
317. Your Camera
318. Jump
319. Early
320. Upside Down
321. Nails
322. Rust
323. Closed
324. Grease
325. Bowl
326. Mood
327. Audience
328. Water Drop
329. Peek-A-Boo
330. Decorate
331. Bridge
332. Wait
333. Threes
334. Toothbrush
335. Speaker
336. Feather
337. Backpack
338. Straw
339. Face
340. Grill
341. Mirror
342. Fire Station
343. Police
344. Toaster
345. Wave
346. Holiday Bokeh
347. Stairs
348. Running
349. Home
350. Burger
351. Ripple
352. Shoot From The Hip
353. I Am Here
354. Ring
355. Necklace
356. Earring
357. Gifts
358. Hotel
359. Awaken
360. Goals
361. Cables
362. Remote
363. What’s In Your Pocket/Purse?
364. Noodles
365. The End

Pasha in the Sun

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I was looking online for artistic horsey checks (yea I know I’m a dork 😉 and up pops artistic horsey paintings…so I got an idea for a painting. I found an interesting picture of my beautiful and wondering (you can tell I haven’t ridden her in awhile if I’m complimenting her like this) horse Pasha and changed it around a little to start a painting with it. I’m using acrylics. I haven’t really been painting much since college and my son. So it’s a nice change. I did those two paintings of my nieces and was surprised at how well they turned out. I have this wonderful talent that I never use because it’s so boring to sit down and copy something to a painting or a piece of paper but this painting has been very very fun. It’s been such a fun painting because I’m out of my box. I’m experimenting with color and texture. It’s such a nice feeling. I’m not even trying to make it the same as the photo which is a new experience for me. I think it’s turning out beautifully but I still have a long way to go. Again I used my phone to take cruddy photos 😦 I should have used my camera….the colors are much brighter than what they appear but you’ll see that soon when I put up good pictures of it when it’s finished. I don’t know why they turn out so cruddy on wordpress but not on facebook?

Anyways hopefully I’ll be posting more soon because I have some great news!!!! First of all we’re a one mortgage family again because our other house sold last week. That has been a great relief off of our shoulders. And secondly the Nikon D700 is made in Japan and according to Ken Rockwell they are disappearing fast! So my husband and I decided to go ahead and buy one for me but Roberts (in Indy) was out and everywhere else they were going for $2699 or higher until I found one on Sam’s Club website. I found it for an amazing price but when I went to order it the price jumped $140! I was so upset because I was hoping that extra money would go towards my lens but my husband still gave me the go ahead (wonderful man 🙂 and I bought it. But I also called Sam’s Club and asked them why the price jumped so much and I explained that I had been about to order it when the price jumped. I didn’t complain or act snotty or anything like that…was just asking. So they took my number and said that the buyer would get back to me. I didn’t expect them to get back to me or anything but they did and offered me a one time only refund of the $140. I was completely amazed! Thank you so much Sam’s Club!!!! You’ve saved me some money that I will be putting towards a lens hopefully Monday or Tuesday when my wonderful piece of equipment arrives!