photography, design, painting blog

Archive for December, 2011

Crochet Horsey Hat

This is a crochet horsey hat. It’s a really simple pattern and I seem to get most of my views from fellow crocheters so I thought I would say Merry Christmas and here’s a free pattern 🙂

Here’s the website for the original pattern.
Size J hook 0-3 months

*Dc2tog- (Yo, insert hook into next st and draw up a lp. Yo and draw through 2 lps) twice, yo and draw through all 3 lps on hook
*Dc3tog- (Yo, insert hook into next st and draw up a lp. Yo and draw through 2 lps) 3 times, yo and draw through all 4 lps on hook

Using A (main color), Ch 3 sl st in first ch to form ring.
Round 1- Ch 3 (counts as first dc now and throughout). Dc 10 in ring. Sl st in third ch.
Round 2- Ch 3. Dc in same st as ch 3. Dc twice in each dc around. Sl st in third ch. (22 dc.)
Round 3- Ch 3. Dc twice in next dc. *Dc, 2dc* around until 1 dc remain. Dc in last dc. Sl st in third ch. (33 dc.)
Round 4- Ch 3. *Dc twice in next dc, dc in next 2 dc.* Repeat around until 2 dc remain. 2dc, dc in last dc. Sl st. (Should have 44 dc.)
Round 5- Ch 3. Dc in each dc around. Sl st.
Change color to color B. Dc in each dc around. Sl st. Cut yarn (or you may hold the yarn along the back to save yourself from weaving in an extra strand at the end.)
Change color to color C. Dc in each dc around. Sl st. Cut yarn.
Change color to color B. Dc in each dc around. Sl st. Cut yarn.
Change color to color A. Dc in each dc around. Sl st.
Sl st in next 6 st.
# For ear flap:
Ch 3. Dc in next 8 dc. Turn.
Ch 3. Dc2tog. Dc next 3 dc. Dc2tog. Dc in last st (the first ch 3). Turn.
Ch 3. Dc2tog, dc next 1 dc, dc2tog, dc in last st. Turn.
Ch 3. Dc3tog. Dc in last st. Cut yarn and pull through.
Fold hat in half and sl st in dc directly across from last dc from the other earflap. Follow directions the starting at #.
After the second earflap, use color C and attach to back of hat. Sc around earflap hat. Sl st in first sc. Cut yarn and pull through. Add braids, tassel, pom pom, or flower to side. TADA! You’re done! J Enjoy the pattern!

The way I add braids:
I take the same color yarn (still holding 2 together) and cut about 6 strands of each color (about 4 or 5 feet long). Working through the bottom of the earflaps, pull all color A through sc until folded in half. Do the same for the other 2 colors. Tie all colors together, forming the knot directly under the earflap (at the top of the braid). Separate colors and braid colors (I like to braid tightly). When desired length is reached, tie yarn again in a knot at the bottom of the braid. Cut extra yarn off bottom to make ends even. Do the same to the other side and you got yourself an adorable ear flap hat!

The ears are kind of weird but they look cute!
Ears – ch. 10.
Sc in next 2 sts, hdc in next, dc in next 2 sts, triple crochet in next 2 sts, and quadruple crochet in next 2 sts (just add one more loop to the triple crochet).

With another color. Ch. 9, sc across.
Ch. 1, sctog, sc, sctog – 6
Ch. 1, sc across – 6
Ch. 1, sctog, sc, sctog – 4
Ch. 1, sc across – 4
Ch. 1, sctog – 2
Ch. 1, sc across – 1.

Now put these on top of each other with the bigger one in the back and you can either sew them together or what I did was single crocheted them together which made them look better in my opinion. Just keep the bottoms aligned.

I just cut up a bunch of small pieces or strung a long piece of yarn through a stitching needle and tied them onto the hat in various places to make it look like a mane. Thanks enjoy!

Merry Christmas Friends


Our cute little Christmas card.  I was very pleased with the way it turned out.  I’ve been doing a little bit of obsessive crocheting which of course fanned out over the last few days.  And I’ve all but given up on my 30 & 365 day challenges lol.  I’m terrible.  So much for trying to make it and get better!  But I did get my studio lights a few weeks ago and have been playing with those.  I also bought the photovision DVD’s in an effort to help myself build up confidence and learn some tricks I would probably otherwise not have learned.  And they are helping tremendously 🙂 I have a few pics to post though as I have been very busy.  I wish I could post my boudoir photos I did last week but she doesn’t want them public and I can’t blame her even though she looks beautiful in all of them!  I took a few Christmas photos of Kedric, 3 month photos of my nephew Bryson with a new hat I crocheted, family photos, some one year old photos and of course the boudoir that I can’t post 🙂




Welp the Thomas family photos will have to wait until next time.  They’re on the portable hard drive and I’m not sure what my son has done with it!  Speaking of hard drives….I’m glad I got the Sam’s Club extended warranty on my computer because here about two weeks ago my computer told me it needed replaced.  So luckily I was able to get what I thought were a few pictures (turned out to be around 8500) off of my computer and onto the portable and the few documents off of here in time.  And to make things even better they were able to transfer everything onto the new hard drive so I didn’t even need to reinstall anything!  So that makes me happy but I do need another portable hard drive.  Mine is full!!!  Merry Christmas every one 🙂 and Happy Holidays!