photography, design, painting blog

Posts tagged “children’s photography


6 weeks old this time

Went to visit my hubby’s sister and her family. Can’t resist their new little baby boy! Had to take some 6 week photos of him 🙂 He has got to be the cutest little thing I’ve ever seen besides my own of course! I had to reformat my computer due to a virus ughhh and had to redownload all of my actions/presets for photoshop! Took me forever to find the facebook action I love. But I get all of my actions from and the facebook one that I love is from so at least if I lose it again I can look at this blog post instead of searching everywhere for it. I am also interested in trying out lightroom but don’t have a clue how to use it yet! Will probably do the 30 day trial and see if I like it better than photoshop!

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Does he just look like a little native american baby? Haha my little boy sure didn’t look this native!

Our view on Cloth Diapering


We have recently made the switch to cloth diapers.  And I can say I love it!  It is one of those things you can become easily addicted to 🙂 My son had been peeing out of this diapers constantly and I was feeling the pink money wise when it comes to buying another box of diapers that I am throwing away.  Oh yea I got my money’s worth alright…NOT.  I just hate the idea of throwing money away so I found out a friend of mine cloth diapered from taking her newborn’s photos and she was obsessed about it like we all are and sort of talked me into it.  And then I find out two other friends of mine from town both cloth diaper so well there it went I was hooked already and hadn’t bought the first diaper.  HA HA. 

Well I found the cloth diaper swapper page on facebook and bought a few used covers and inserts on there for cheap and then got some prefolds and pocket diapers off of  Then a couple more from a BOGO free deal.  I really like the prefolds and covers.  We’ve been using the pocket diapers for naps/bedtime which works great because you can double stuff those and he won’t pee out. 

The poo is what is getting to me.  Most of the time since we’ve made the cloth diaper switch his poo is more solid and plops into the toilet.  It’s weird how his poo changed since we switched to cloth but it did and I’ve read on other blogs the same thing.  But anyways I ramble…sometimes we get some icky poos and it completely grosses me out scraping it out into the toilet so we’re going to do the homemade diaper sprayer toilet attachment.  For about $20 they say we can make a diaper sprayer instead of buying the $40 one.  I have a DIYer hubby so this will be no problem!  Plus he had to scrape a diaper the other day and said he wasn’t too keen on it…haha.  Here’s a link to the blog that has the info on the diaper sprayer….


Just my two cents.  In case you’re wondering we are using 3 BumGenius and 1 Alba pockets, 2 grovia shells which are a little small for my chunker, 2 flips which I love, 1 homemade camo cow patties cloth diaper, 1 thirsties duo (which I loved until I got the flips and now I love the flips better), and 14 prefolds. Also here is a link to a facebook page that sells cheap well made cloth diapers!

And here are a few pics featuring some new backgrounds I just bought…and my extremely cooperative photo subject…hahaha.



Merry Christmas Friends


Our cute little Christmas card.  I was very pleased with the way it turned out.  I’ve been doing a little bit of obsessive crocheting which of course fanned out over the last few days.  And I’ve all but given up on my 30 & 365 day challenges lol.  I’m terrible.  So much for trying to make it and get better!  But I did get my studio lights a few weeks ago and have been playing with those.  I also bought the photovision DVD’s in an effort to help myself build up confidence and learn some tricks I would probably otherwise not have learned.  And they are helping tremendously 🙂 I have a few pics to post though as I have been very busy.  I wish I could post my boudoir photos I did last week but she doesn’t want them public and I can’t blame her even though she looks beautiful in all of them!  I took a few Christmas photos of Kedric, 3 month photos of my nephew Bryson with a new hat I crocheted, family photos, some one year old photos and of course the boudoir that I can’t post 🙂




Welp the Thomas family photos will have to wait until next time.  They’re on the portable hard drive and I’m not sure what my son has done with it!  Speaking of hard drives….I’m glad I got the Sam’s Club extended warranty on my computer because here about two weeks ago my computer told me it needed replaced.  So luckily I was able to get what I thought were a few pictures (turned out to be around 8500) off of my computer and onto the portable and the few documents off of here in time.  And to make things even better they were able to transfer everything onto the new hard drive so I didn’t even need to reinstall anything!  So that makes me happy but I do need another portable hard drive.  Mine is full!!!  Merry Christmas every one 🙂 and Happy Holidays! 

Little Miss Whitney

This is little Miss Whitney.

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted!!! I haven’t been particularly busy just lazy haha. I have been majorly slacking on my 365 day photo challenge so I thought I would at least post something since I took these pics last night. We had fun playing and taking pictures. Mom had to get the bubbles out but they ended up distracting her more =) but when it came right down to it the bunny snacks worked the best to bribe a few more smiles out of her. Her mommy is a friend from our church group in Columbus and we have small group every other week on Wednesdays. Whitney loves to play and run and always asks about Baby Kejic who used her rocking chair for awhile! She’s very protective of her rocking chair! She was very excited about her very own photo shoot and we had a lot of fun!!! The pictures turned out great she has such beautiful eyes! Thanks!